Village of Tiskilwa Names Citizens of the Year

The Village of Tiskilwa is pleased to announce the 2024 Citizens of the Year, Sondra and Scott Owens. 

This award is given to individuals who enhance life in the community through their outstanding volunteer commitments, unique achievements, positive values, and exceptional personal qualities. Sondra and Scott, who have been an active part of the Tiskilwa community for many years, will be featured in the 2024 Pow Wow Days parade, which kicks off at 10:30 on Saturday, August 3. Sondra and Scott have often found time in their schedules to accomplish landscaping projects that improve the appearance of our village. Earlier this year, they were a major force in organizing a joint effort with other dedicated groups and individuals to enhance the north entrance of the village welcome sign north of the Gallery on Galena. This project included planting a memorial tree as well as running electrical wire to illuminate the sign, tree, and a memorial boulder that they had installed there two years earlier. In addition, since 2012 they have helped to maintain and enhance the Indian Rock Garden at the Museum on Main.

During the past fifteen years, Sondra and Scott have been the instrumental in continuing the Tiskilwa High School Alumni Association with their dependability, integrity, cooperation, and special enthusiasm. The THS alumni banquet has been an outstanding event during Pow Wow Days weekend, annually hosting more than 150 alumni and guests.  To ensure that the tradition continues, they have also organized a rotating committee of THS alumni to assist with various tasks.

Representing the Village of Tiskilwa, Mayor Michael Murray said, “We congratulate and thank Sondra and Scott for their dedication to this wonderful village, and we are very grateful for their sacrifice to ensure our village remains The Gem of the Valley.” 


“Classic Rides” at 2024 Pow Wow Days